Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Experiencing Salvia 3

...looking down to our world, this "angel" is showing me as in fast motion movie, how the world is decaying, I see some nukes exploding, I manage to get closer, as if the whole castle was a small flying camera, how humanity is wiped out by nuclear explosions, I can't hold my sight more, I don't want to see it and I turn around, I felt as if I were watching hopelessly my house burning down with all my family inside.

This angel, waving his hands, heals my pain, he points out the wall, I look again, and I see Earth is normal again. I smile to him thanking him, I get out of there and I can see I'm at my room again, looking at the ceiling, very relaxed.

I never have full control, but I think I'm more experienced now, I think one of the reasons is because my salvia divinorum is "standardized", this way I know exactly the dose I'm buying.

I'll tell you about my next trip on salvia extract as soon as I can.


You can purchase Salvia Extracts at

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